Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My princess

I am writing this 6 days before she turns 3 and I will show this to her probably in 13 years. I am cracking up at my silly girl. She is under the impression (I have no clue where she came up with this lol) That she is a princess and I am ok with that. My Princess will wear her "Princess dress" (A black and blue tutu I bought around Halloween) With her Pajama's, her blue jeans, anything. She Loves her "Pretties" (all her play jewelry), She like having "Pretties" on her face (Mommy's Make-up), and having her hair done "All Pretty". Pretty is a big party of my Princess's world. She can make your heart melt just by saying 3 words and it isn't the normal ones that will make a parent turn to mush it is "I need you" Her way of saying "I just need a hug right now" She already has a love for all things Chocolate, all things Pink (including piggies), and all things shiny. At times I fear I have a diva on my hands but she is my diva and at least she listens to her mommy (at least for now) She "Absolutely loves" the cartoon Eloise and looks at clouds and asks if that is where the care bears are. I love her childhood innocence and look forward to her birthdays to come. I hope this one is magical and memorable even if she is only three. Her dad and I (who just recently divorced) along with two of our friends are taking her to Disneyland. It is for her and her brother that J and I put aside our differences and can get together for things such as birthday's I hope that both of them know how much we both love them.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New year

Alright the new year is here and time to make some goals
Financial Goal- I am going to get my finances in order. I can't count how many months I have freaked out because I am juggling to much and not controlling what I spend. That ends today.
Self Improvement goal- I am going to live for me. Obviously I have kids so there is only so much living for me I can do but I am going to take "X" amount of time most likely a half hour or something somewhere in which I will read, take a bath, maybe go for a walk something that is for me and not with someone else I deserve a little me time and by golly I am going to take it! :)
Relationship goal-well I have not firmly set this one but something is going to change I can not continue in the path we are in now. Love goes so far then it takes work and well I won't air all my dirty laundry here but lets just say I need a little more.
Work Goal- I am going to start each work day with a positive attitude. I am going to let the trivial stuff that bugs me, roll off my back because if I let people bother me then I am giving them control of me. Be it a co-worker or a customer, even if I have to count to ten 50 times a day I will control my temper and thereby making work that much more enjoyable.