Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Tired

I'm Tired of being walked on, taken advantage of and in general being the person that no one remembers. I remember as a kid I was exurberant to the point of annoying, as I grew up I got quieter almost as if when I was born God said "here this is all the exuberance you will ever need" and I got bigger my supply starting wearing out and now here I am 25 I can talk to someone in the morning and by the afternoon I have faded from their mind. I watch my older sister and sometimes wonder why I can't be like her. Confidant in my life and where my path is takeing me. Even with my husband he tells me that I need to stop worrying about what people think and just DO what it is I want to do. In my life I am surrounded by strong women with strong sences of self purpose, my sister, sister in law ( all of them) even my best friends are all like that which makes me wonder why on earth I am not. I suppose we coudl argue you are how you see your self and in my case I suppose that is true I just want to know WHEN did I start seeing myself as the mouse instead of the lion?

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