So I have debated off an on all day on if I was going to post something today nothing really seems pop out at me if you will. I remember 9-11-01 clearly I was 10 days away from my 18th birthday, freshly graduated and ready to ship off to boot camp on the 22nd. I was being lazy take into account that I lived on the west coast so when the attack hit there it was only 5 somehing in the morning, that was when my phone began to ring, me being the typical teen that i am picked up the phone and then promptly hung it back up. whoever it was called back i hen turned off the phone. I slept until 9:30 (ah those were the days) when I was fully awake i turned my phone back on and within minutes it ws ringing again this time I answered my best friend at the time amanda was on the other end franticly telling me the world is ending and that i had to turn on the TV so I went out into the living room and watched as the second plane hit the tower I don't know if it was acctualy happening at that moment or if it was a rplay but I remember colapsing and saying "Oh shit" right in front of my mom who didn't seem to care for once that I had cursed... The rest o the day is a blur I spent most of it like many others in the nation trying to call friend that live in NYC I got ahold of all but one eventualy... It still hurts when I remember him and to this day I see an airplane I think of him (which is a lot lately since I live in the flight path here *laughs*) has it really been 7 years already?
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