Saturday, April 25, 2009


So I am a facebook addict seriously I do those living social things all the time. You know pick your top five (Insert whatever here) and tonight I did one about fears. Now I can be a rather rational person I do think about things but no matter how rational you think you are everyone has a bit of irrationalness in them. mine are my fears some make seance, like Loosing my children. Be it by death or kidnapping, or running away, or when they grow up them wanting nothing to do with me that is a fear that any mother can understand, and the only one my rational mind can say say, "yep that is a good fear." of my other 4 I can rationalize 2 of them but you may still think me as being nuts. 

Zombies, not like scooby doo zombies but like mutated humans from I am legend... that scares me out of my mind because I can see how that could maybe happen... biochemical warfare, or toxins in the water or food or whatever... yeah terrifying. Loud noises not kids shouting, or tv blaring or even sirens but fireworks, cannon fire, thunder...stuff like that. I KNOW why I am terrified of that. When I was a kid I saw my older brothers concert I couldn't have been more than 4 they played the 1812 orchestra complete with cannons I remember cowering under my mom coat and ever since then loud noises like that scare me out of my wits. (J thinks it is hilarious by the way the jerk.)

Now bring on the irrationalities. Scary Clowns. I blame this on Stephen King as will many others with this fear. Thanks to that book and the movie IT my generation has a fear for clown and storm drains *laughs* I can't stand ICP not just because their music sucks but because they scare the crap out of me with that makeup and stuff (truthfully even KISS scares me with all the face paint but at least their music rocks my socks off) And lastly bungee jumping. You could offer me the world and I would not do it. The ONLY way I would EVER bungee jump is in the unlikely event of having to bungee jump to save one of my kids... I can't even stand to watch people bungee jump... I have this fear of the cord being to long, or stretched out, or snapping, or my legs ripping off the list goes on and on. *laughs* 

I don't know what the point to this blog was I guess I just need to write a bit before bed and so i write about what I fear the most of to dream land now... I sometimes question my sanity...

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