Saturday, April 4, 2009

Going crazy

It is official my kids cannot get along. I am sure every mom feels this way at some point or another especially when the kids are so close in age. The little ones are testing their boundaries nearly constantly right now, She picks on him, he hits her, she pulls his hair, he pinches her GRRR and then when L isn't picking on his sister he is irritating his brother by playing with his superman or something equally annoying to Boo. Boo and the baby girl rarely fight unless she decides she want to touch his food or drink from his cup. But there is always at least one kid screaming here unless they are getting into something or sleeping, and the thought that runs through my mind is even though I don't want them to grow up to fast or whatever I have 15 more years before there is no more fighting... 17 years until I can take a shower and be guaranteed to not be interrupted by a kid (and even then they could call ask my mom *laughs*) 

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