Well that time of year is approaching again, my birthday. I have to admit that for the first time in 10 years I am not blatantly avoiding the thought of that day. (which is odd considering I turn 25 this year and I have teased numerous friends about being a quarter century old) I have not viewed my birthday as a reason to celebrate, not because I dread getting older, that is defiantly not the case I have lived every year of my life thus earned the number. No the reason is simply my 15 birthday was marked by a personal tragedy, my best friend, cousin, confidant, and easily the nicest person I ever knew died of heart failure. J and I have not been the same since, back then J and Amber had been dating for a little over 18 months which in High school time is forever. We have not mentioned that this year makes ten years but I can tell he still hurts as much if not more than I do. It honestly does not seem like 10 years have passed partly because for 2 years I was sunk into a deep depression wearing a plastic smile and telling everyone I am fine (kind of like Orlando Bloom in Elizabethtown) then for another year I was so stoned that I don't remember most of what happened that year and then came motherhood *laughs* I sometimes have to wonder if she watches J and I and if I am doing good in her book? I don't handle death well, I don't know anyone that particularly does though J handles things better than me or maybe it is just different than me... Since Amber died J is sort of numb about people dieing, while I just don't "get over it" but as they say oppisites attract, And me being a firm believer in "all things happen for a reason" sometimes think that J and I were meant to be together. If Amber and J had broken up, instead of what happened then I would not have dated him in High School, therefore would not have made him mad to the point of not talking to me for 2 years when I tried joining the Army (speaking of my recruiter is my neighbor now *laughs* and I wouldn't have had to find him on classmates asking him to forgive my stupidness, and would not have reconected and so on and so forth and then I would have only one of my wonderful monsters. Anyways I know I am rambeling so I am off to bed.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My friends and me
so on ZZZ we have weekly photos this weeks is "Kids with favorite "friend" ...stuffy, toy or pet?Trying to get these monsters with their friends was amuseing here are a few shots of the "photoshoot" Both with their Shrek's and boo with Gus Gus and L with Jaques (yes they got their names from the mice on Cinderella they named the bears not me) Oh and L has Cookie as well

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A time to cheat

So many of my friends and family (the Hubby included) can kill me for this post but I cheated on my "diet" I am not so much trying to loose weight as I am trying to comfortably fit into my half a closet full of size 8 clothes I am nearly there so I desided to reward myself with a trip to starbucks :) Oh sweet heavenly starbuck how I love thee *laughs* Venti mint mocha chip frap *Swoons in delight* after a month of behaving, very little soda (which I adore) No ice cream until last night's small peice of BIL's ice cream birthday cake, and no pizza (also which I love) I think this treat is well earned. and BTW I can FIT into size 8's I just can't breathe. Minor things right?
Team Ramrod
Disclaimer: Unless you have seen supertroopers there will be no humor in this post for you

So today is moving day. I have not mentioned the name of my new street. Ramrod ave. J thinks it is hillarious! TEAM RAMROD!! Supertroopers has to be one of his favorite movies. I tolerate it with a smile plastered on my face counting up the times I have watched it and knowing at one point he will pay up and he will have to sit through a movie like PS I love you or something. *laughs* I will be watching supertroopers before the week is out J says that it is only right to chrisin the new apt with that movie... Yay...

So today is moving day. I have not mentioned the name of my new street. Ramrod ave. J thinks it is hillarious! TEAM RAMROD!! Supertroopers has to be one of his favorite movies. I tolerate it with a smile plastered on my face counting up the times I have watched it and knowing at one point he will pay up and he will have to sit through a movie like PS I love you or something. *laughs* I will be watching supertroopers before the week is out J says that it is only right to chrisin the new apt with that movie... Yay...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dance with me
Boo cracks me up. He is his cousin's shadow. He would follow her to the ends of the earth, and bless her heart she doesn't mind at all not to bad for a 12 year old huh? anyhow we were at my SIL's house and Boo runs up to her when we put some country music on and said "Dance with me!" it was to precious. :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Cold Milk
A quirk of mine, I hate milk UNLESS it is COLD to the point of nearly being ice, and in a COLD GLASS cup, I can't stand it if it is in a plastic cup it makes me gag. The story behind the picture. Well as you know I am moving in two days, and silly me I packed all my glasses all we ahve are disposeable plastic cups and wine glasses that i have not packed yet sooo here I am drinking chocolate milk out of a wine glass and trying not to laugh.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Moving sucks
*Sung to the mickey mouse club theme*
moving sucks, moving sucks. Forever and ever will I cry!
I hate moving. Period. I am excited about the new place because it is 3 rooms, has a washer and a dryer, has a double sink, is in Henderson, and is closer to family. BUT I hate the packing, and unpacking, and trying to wrangle three kids, and keep said kids occupied even though they have nowhere to run their energy out because the living room is full of BOXES! GAHHH! I have heard of people that acctually LIKE moving, and you would think with me being a Military Brat that I wouldn't mind it as much as I do but yeah... I think I am going to go scream some more. (not that that will get anything else packed but it sure feels good *Laughs*)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
crazy hair
This is After I brushed her hair out! I have to put it up in piggie tails or a pony tail or it is just mayhem and she looks like albert einsteins long lost grand daughter or soemthing *laughs* the plus side is she lives up to her nick name "Miss priss" Because she LOVES me combing her hair and doesn't squiggle to much when I am pulling it up into piggie tails (Just cause they are cuter than pony tails) how long will my luck last on her being as good as she is? I wonder....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
self portraits
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My girl
What a goof ball :) the stinker is already poseing for the camera but I guess after 7 months of having dozen of photos snapped each day one learns what to do *laughs* 7 months can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday that I had her. And now I have this full
fledged princess who is just to cute for words. How did I get so lucky all three of my kids are absolutely stinkin' cute and so goofy. I can be mad at them for driving me nutzo but in ten min or less one of them will do something that cracks me up. the next 18 or so years of my life are going to be interesting that is for sure :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ok So I belong to a FANTASTIC mommy board although it has sort of gone from a mommy board to a board of sisters who just happen to each have a baby the was born in the summer of '06 *laughs* anyways with 14 mom's we all have our favorite recipe, some are great on money saving, some are great on being healthy but they are all delish! For a while we have just been posting our recipes on a topic on our board but Liz who is so awesome put together a blog JUST for our recipes. anyways I thought I would share the link with everyone enjoy the food :) and remember if you use a recipe leave a comment for us ;)
So as I am sure I have mentioned my kids are super silly but what do you expect from a 4 year old a two year old and a 7 month old right? Well while teaching the older ones their animal sounds we got into saying "are you a (insert animal here)" and they would reply with the animal sound it is a fun game especialy when you add stuff like "Are you a MONSTER" and they RAWR or "are you GOOFY" and they laugh like goofy, stuff like that the monster one is the funniest because they would jump and claw at the air and go RAWR on the top of their lungs it cracks me up. Well Mr. L. has in the past week stopped making the animal sounds. Now when I ask him if he is a monster he sings Nooooo. It is cute but kinda heart breaking because with me "Monster" is a term of endearment. Some people call their children "little loves" or "My darlings" and where my kids are my loves and darlings the fact is they are wild and I love that and I have always called them my monsters ever since Boo was a baby he was my monster. But now my baby boy is saying he isn't my monster and I know he doesn't mean to hurt me but truthfully it does hurt just a little. Hopefully this phase passes soon and my little monster will be back. (I will try and get a video of Boo being a monster and L singing "Nooooo")
Thursday, August 14, 2008
moving video
this video was made by a friend of my little brothers. (thus making him 18) the NYE county sheriffs office had a contest to make drinking and driving video (one of the perks being riding in the spiffy new charger cop cars *laughs) it is an awesome video and very moving I thought I would share it with you.
this video was made by a friend of my little brothers. (thus making him 18) the NYE county sheriffs office had a contest to make drinking and driving video (one of the perks being riding in the spiffy new charger cop cars *laughs) it is an awesome video and very moving I thought I would share it with you.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
random bloggerness
I still have not found my camera cord I guess I will go out tomorrow and buy another I am not happy about that but I guess that does not matter. Anyhow on to the blogging.
J got switched to nights, 8-5 that stinks big time. somehow I now have to keep three kids quiet during the day, AND pack so we can move in 2 weeks! Sounds like fun huh? oh did I mention I have no boxes? Yeah...
I am watching a movie based on what was my favorite CD as a child. "Beethoven lives upstairs" I can guarantee that I can be in the worst mood in the world but I hear this CD, movie or even the music that Beethoven wrote that is on this and I will be nice and relaxed. I have so many fond memories listening to this as I grew up. I think as soon as I got a CD player my mom's copy of this vanished forever into my possession. It gives another look at how great of a composer Beethoven was, and makes you realize more that all this wonderful music that still lives on today was first heard inside a deaf man head, how marvelous is that? Just listen to it and you can FEEL his music, not just hear it. I really think I want to learn to play piano so I can play the music I love so much. It is never too late to learn right? I think that maybe I will take lessons along with the kids.
J got switched to nights, 8-5 that stinks big time. somehow I now have to keep three kids quiet during the day, AND pack so we can move in 2 weeks! Sounds like fun huh? oh did I mention I have no boxes? Yeah...
I am watching a movie based on what was my favorite CD as a child. "Beethoven lives upstairs" I can guarantee that I can be in the worst mood in the world but I hear this CD, movie or even the music that Beethoven wrote that is on this and I will be nice and relaxed. I have so many fond memories listening to this as I grew up. I think as soon as I got a CD player my mom's copy of this vanished forever into my possession. It gives another look at how great of a composer Beethoven was, and makes you realize more that all this wonderful music that still lives on today was first heard inside a deaf man head, how marvelous is that? Just listen to it and you can FEEL his music, not just hear it. I really think I want to learn to play piano so I can play the music I love so much. It is never too late to learn right? I think that maybe I will take lessons along with the kids.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
well this sucks
I was going to post some of the too cute pics from family day on Sunday but I left my friggin camera cord at my BIL's house way across town *grumbles* so not cool I feel helpless without it. whatever did we do without digital cameras. *Laughs* I will post a better blog laters byes
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
H's b-day
so my nephew turned 10 today BIG birthday :) he wanted a dog cake I am rather pleased with how it turned out. his party was at peter piper pizza, L won the jackpot at one game and got 795 tickets! Nice huh between the boys and J we got 1750 tickets the boys each got a magic wand and the princess got a crown. enjoy the photos!
Should I be scared?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Bless you
L cracks me up. He has so much personality. Mind you sometimes that drives me batty but more offten than not he is so stinkin' cute, that I can't help but want to grab him and hug him, even if he is being a monster. Like just now he is going around "Sneezing" (faking it) and then yelling BLESS YOU!! BLESS YOU!! MOMMY BLESS ME!!! *Laughs* Such a silly boy.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I am In love!
Yep in love with snack food. I am trying REALLY hard to got down into a size 8, that isn't asking much since I am in a size 10 jeans as I type this (And I can breathe as well!) BUT after having the bug and what not I seem to have stalled out at 136-140 lbs and size 10. I wouldn't fuss EXCEPT I have Boxes full of size 8 clothes including the most comfy jeans in the world. So what's the problem it is just a size right? Well my problem is I LOVE snacking, I am a muncher it is what I do. (And no I don't do weed anymore so that is not it) But I get bored and I head for the kitchen. BAD IDEA FRED! So up until now I have been heading in there grabing chips or something equally unhealthy. Last night though I bought a "munchie pack" it had the chips ahoy! , Lorna Doone shortbread cookies, and oreo. all 100 cal each HEAVEN I tell you they are so yummy (well the chips ahoy! ones are) and they are satisfing and mmmmmm perfect
outside fun

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Meridith Brooks Lyrics
Im A Bitch Lyrics
I wonder if it is possible to make a song play when you read a blog becuase this is at least the second time I have posted lyrics. I guess I just find songs that fit my mood whatever mood that happens to be today I am in a rather irritable mood at least my boys are getting some clue that this a day to avoid the mommy and are shockingly playing in their room, I think the princess' mood is matching mine but the poor dear is teething so she has an excuse I suppose. As for me well (guys who happen to read this you may wish to close your eyes or just skip this blog all together) when you have ben pregnant, or breastfeeding for over 4 years straight and in those 4 years (includeing the 6 weeks after you give birth) you have had a whopping 6 cycles well after all that time for the first time my body is mine, no baby growing or feeding off me and that lovely time is here for the first time after the tubal well I am grumpy and crabby and well just stay away from the Harris girls for now *laughs* well now that I am done complaining my princess is useing my arm as a teething toy (Gross) so I am going to find her something else to chew on byes...
Monday, August 4, 2008
One crazy weekend!

This weekend was a blast. Simply put anyways. On Saturday after I got my sister we all went to Sweet tomatoes for dinner that is the first two pictures the first is a family shot with my Aunt takeing the picture. the second is me in my brother's scout hat. On Sunday my sister and I went shopping a SCORED on an awesome dress for me is is green with white daisies I will try to find a pic of me in it. We managed to make it to my brother's Eagle ceremony which lasted maybe 15 minutes and we all sat around and talked for about anohter 2 hours while I was tryign to herd the whole crew (20 in all) down the mountian so we could go out to eat at applebees which is where the pic of my daddy and the Bug got taken. Have you ever taken 20 people to one resturant, talk about noisey but it was good. We played pass the princess with the bug and the boys played musical laps after they got done with their food. There was a lot of laughter and love. Good times I tell you, good times. I don't know how long dinner lasted but soon enough it was time for us all to split up and head home. I love it when my family gets together. It doesn't happen too offten but when it does I always have a feeling that can only be described as euphoria for a while after everthing is over. When we came back home my sister and I took a few photos, that is her with the kids in the last two pictures. After we put the kids in bed we did girly stuff and played with make-up by played I mean she taught me a few things I did not know how to do with make-up and then it was time for bed. A busy weekend down and now bring on the birthdays. (more on that in a later blog ;P )
Sunday, August 3, 2008
My baby brother is an Eagle Scout now. I couldn't be more proud of him (well unless he got out of Pahrump but we won't go there right now.) The ceremony was short and sweet, he surprised us all with honoring our Grandpa with a mentor pin. My big tough gramppa was teary at that. I will blog more with more pictures of the whole family tommorow but for today, this is my brothers day. Congrats Dork I love you!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Shelly's got talent
I am so friggin' talented. Really. Why do you ask? Well see that pretty bruise on my thumb? That isn't a normal place to get a Bruise is it? Nope I am done with brusieing the "Normal" parts of my body like my shins, I have moved on to this. Booness was being a twerp and desided to throw a tantrum and so I went to spank his bum well as my hand came down his sandel clad foot came up and caught my thumb, a minute later it felt like it was on fire, not just the thumb the WHOLE hand all my veins in my hand are extremely pronounced right now like even the most nervous nurse's asst. could find a vein if I needed to give blood *laughs* and my thumb while my hand was burning was turning purple and swelling. Nice huh? Dad says it sounds like I busted another blood vessel. Another one you say? Yep it has happened before once again something really dumb I don't remember what but once again it is my right thumb this is getting old...
Friday, August 1, 2008

So my genius idea of making a Doormat out of plastic bags is prooving to be more difficult/painful that previously thought. I am making progress with it as you can tell by the pictures. I have about 100 feet of rope that was the EASY part! Sewing it sucks like HELL though seriously that needle in the picture has stabbed me multiple times and forcing it to go through my tightly braided rope is HARD as hell! (I am sounding rather much like Jeff Dunham's Peanut ) this doormat MIGHT get done by winter. I hope so, since that is why I am making it. For some reason come winter time we track in a TON more dirt inside than in the summer I think because we are more apt to go outside when it is cold rather than melt your skin off hot ;D
My index finger and my thumb are gonna get some nice looking callus' before this is over I can already feel them forming ugh. Ok enough complaining. I WILL finish this silly thing.
My index finger and my thumb are gonna get some nice looking callus' before this is over I can already feel them forming ugh. Ok enough complaining. I WILL finish this silly thing.
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