Saturday, August 2, 2008

Shelly's got talent

I am so friggin' talented. Really. Why do you ask? Well see that pretty bruise on my thumb? That isn't a normal place to get a Bruise is it? Nope I am done with brusieing the "Normal" parts of my body like my shins, I have moved on to this. Booness was being a twerp and desided to throw a tantrum and so I went to spank his bum well as my hand came down his sandel clad foot came up and caught my thumb, a minute later it felt like it was on fire, not just the thumb the WHOLE hand all my veins in my hand are extremely pronounced right now like even the most nervous nurse's asst. could find a vein if I needed to give blood *laughs* and my thumb while my hand was burning was turning purple and swelling. Nice huh? Dad says it sounds like I busted another blood vessel. Another one you say? Yep it has happened before once again something really dumb I don't remember what but once again it is my right thumb this is getting old...
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