This weekend was a blast. Simply put anyways. On Saturday after I got my sister we all went to Sweet tomatoes for dinner that is the first two pictures the first is a family shot with my Aunt takeing the picture. the second is me in my brother's scout hat. On Sunday my sister and I went shopping a SCORED on an awesome dress for me is is green with white daisies I will try to find a pic of me in it. We managed to make it to my brother's Eagle ceremony which lasted maybe 15 minutes and we all sat around and talked for about anohter 2 hours while I was tryign to herd the whole crew (20 in all) down the mountian so we could go out to eat at applebees which is where the pic of my daddy and the Bug got taken. Have you ever taken 20 people to one resturant, talk about noisey but it was good. We played pass the princess with the bug and the boys played musical laps after they got done with their food. There was a lot of laughter and love. Good times I tell you, good times. I don't know how long dinner lasted but soon enough it was time for us all to split up and head home. I love it when my family gets together. It doesn't happen too offten but when it does I always have a feeling that can only be described as euphoria for a while after everthing is over. When we came back home my sister and I took a few photos, that is her with the kids in the last two pictures. After we put the kids in bed we did girly stuff and played with make-up by played I mean she taught me a few things I did not know how to do with make-up and then it was time for bed. A busy weekend down and now bring on the birthdays. (more on that in a later blog ;P )
That hat looks sexy on you, Shells!
Oh everyone looks so happy ... so glad you had such a wonderful weekend ...
N- If you think I look sexy in it you should see Landon in it. It covers his whole face pratcily. it sorrta looks like it is just sitting on his shoulders *laughs*
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