Sunday, December 28, 2008
a good feeling
Monday, December 22, 2008
I am haveing a pissy day or maybe week or month even I am SO DONE with living here luckily all my stuff is home so I can go home after Christmas but honestly if it weren't for the fact that my grandparents are going to be here I'd just go home now. I am over being a doormat for everyone to place the blame on. "Oh it is her fault" Or "it is just to many kids" or any other number of things I have heard lately. Last I checked I did not sign up for maid detail and the fact that I have cleaned this ENTIRE house from top to bottom today really pisses me off because WE were supposed to do it but WE turned into da da da da ME grr ok i am going to go kill something on a video game or maybe read to get un pissed i don't mean to rant i just had to let off some steam
I'm Tired
Friday, December 12, 2008
On being a "young" mom
I hope I didn't offend anyone in my rant by the way I just got back from a play date and I swear the other mom's treated me like one of the kids because they all had 10 years on me
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
All you need is love.
I just wanna be mad for a while...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
a update
onto other news we had an apt to see about the princess legs and it is too early to tell if her feet are so turned in that it won't correct itself. after she starts walking we will go back in for a re evaluation at worst she will need braces at night but she isn't even trying to stand yet so we got a while to go
L is a monster threw and threw he gets into EVERYTHING, he drowned my cell phone (luckily after it dried out it is fine) he has dumped all over his bed (not at the same time but with in the last month) and can of oatmeal, a box of bisquick, a can of hot coco and has ate a half jar of peanut butter. the thing is that I do watch him but he waits for me to go to the bathroom or for when i am sick and the teens are a little help but not a lot when it comes to watching him. theyd rather be in their room with the door shut doin who know (i don't wanna know) what.
as for Boo well he is a pain in the fact he is an accomplice with his brother on most of the above messes, but he is loving school he gets so excited when his bus comes it is funny, he knows all his abc's. can count to 20, knows all his colors and shapes to boot, I think except for his talking he could be ahead of the class when he starts kindergarten :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
rambleings of a grown up...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
i giorni- Ludovico Einaudi
Play this and just close your eyes let the music take you. It is so beautiful. I found it while searching a bit on my obcession (the twilight series) some one thought it would fit for Bella's Lullaby which it would but I am so happy I came upon this peice not for Bella's lullaby but because it is so Beautiful and relaxing and I just want to play it over and over again and I have descided that I am going to take lessons I want, no I NEED to learn to play piano I have always wanted to I am not entirely sure what has stopped me.
I love my jumper
so preeety
Isn't she SO pretty we were just waiting for Boo's bus and she was playing in the grass and I managed to get this pretty picture and I HAD to share :)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The rocking chair

not my memory lane
My Aunt Bev's Car Sweet isn't it My dad and my sisters mom, wasn't daddy good lookin'?
not the best pic but all i have on my computer my dad a few months ago in the red shirt Still good lookin' *S*
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I hate it when I am right
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I SHOULD be writeing
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
My baby's baby
she screamed at him. Not a cry telling me that he took it but a screech directed at him that can only be interpited as "GIVE ME MY BABY BACK NOW!!!!" it was so cute and even more funny was the fact tht he quickly gave her back the doll *laughs*
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Goodwill SCORE!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
8 days
Thursday, September 11, 2008
7 years

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Boo's first day of school
So yesterday was Boos first day of Preschool this year and he was super excited His brother not so much when the Bus picked Boo up L thought he was goign too and threw a fit that he wasn't going. It wasn't like this last year... the poor kids cried for 15 min in absolute hysterics and then sat by the slideing glass door "reading" his curious George book waiting for Boo he'd sometime get up and mope around the apt but mostly just waited for Boo when Boo got home it was such a sweet reunion they were figting within the hour *laughs* Boo had a great first day and thinks he teacher is "So cool" today wasn't any easier than yesterday for L he has just stopped crying and is thankfully distracted by monsters inc.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Don't Blink

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Pirates and tiggers

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Teeth and sleep crawling
Monday, September 1, 2008
Just a few pics of the monsters

Friday, August 29, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
My friends and me

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A time to cheat

So many of my friends and family (the Hubby included) can kill me for this post but I cheated on my "diet" I am not so much trying to loose weight as I am trying to comfortably fit into my half a closet full of size 8 clothes I am nearly there so I desided to reward myself with a trip to starbucks :) Oh sweet heavenly starbuck how I love thee *laughs* Venti mint mocha chip frap *Swoons in delight* after a month of behaving, very little soda (which I adore) No ice cream until last night's small peice of BIL's ice cream birthday cake, and no pizza (also which I love) I think this treat is well earned. and BTW I can FIT into size 8's I just can't breathe. Minor things right?
Team Ramrod

So today is moving day. I have not mentioned the name of my new street. Ramrod ave. J thinks it is hillarious! TEAM RAMROD!! Supertroopers has to be one of his favorite movies. I tolerate it with a smile plastered on my face counting up the times I have watched it and knowing at one point he will pay up and he will have to sit through a movie like PS I love you or something. *laughs* I will be watching supertroopers before the week is out J says that it is only right to chrisin the new apt with that movie... Yay...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dance with me
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Cold Milk
A quirk of mine, I hate milk UNLESS it is COLD to the point of nearly being ice, and in a COLD GLASS cup, I can't stand it if it is in a plastic cup it makes me gag. The story behind the picture. Well as you know I am moving in two days, and silly me I packed all my glasses all we ahve are disposeable plastic cups and wine glasses that i have not packed yet sooo here I am drinking chocolate milk out of a wine glass and trying not to laugh.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Moving sucks
Thursday, August 21, 2008
crazy hair
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
self portraits
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
My girl
fledged princess who is just to cute for words. How did I get so lucky all three of my kids are absolutely stinkin' cute and so goofy. I can be mad at them for driving me nutzo but in ten min or less one of them will do something that cracks me up. the next 18 or so years of my life are going to be interesting that is for sure :)