Thursday, July 31, 2008
A family Reunion!!
Holy Bejebbers! On Sunday when my baby brother is getting his Eagle award we will have more of our family together than has been in a REALLY long time! My Gramma and Grammpa on my mom's side will be there, my older sister, my little brother, me and my kids, of course my mom and "step dad" and my dad but the REAL shocker is my dad's sister came up too! I haven't seen my Aunt since i was like 10 or something! No real surprise that my older brother or step sibilings aren't coming but wowwie plus of course J and his brother with his wife will be there as well this is going to be so friggin' awesome! Just wait for the pics!!!!!!!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
M&M mini tubes

I seem to have an obscean amount of Mini's tubes 70 to be exact my boys "Inherited" them meaning my brother gave them his child hood toy box complete with all the toys he had in there. He used to stack these tubes and throw balls at them. He thought it was hilarious, while I found it quite annoying simply because my room was on the other side of the wall that he was throwing the balls at *laughs* anyways the reason for this post. BESIDES just throwing them away. Do any of you "crafty" people who read this blog have any idea what I can do with any/all of these things????
4 generations
Sunday is going to be a big deal one my little brother is getting his Eagle award, I can't even express how proud I am of that! The other thing that will be a big deal is that my Gramma and Gramppa are going to be there as well, we are going to take a 4 generation picture, my Gramma, my mom, me, and of course the Princess. *Smiles* I am so excited, my grandparents have not seen her yet.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
4 years ago today

I would have posted this sooner but I was looking for photos of my baby. My Boo turned 4 today. 4 years ago I looked into this little guys face and my life changed all for the better. Because of my Boo, I stopped all the stupid stuff I was into and I fell in love with being a mom and I swore I was gonna be the best mom I could be. Now that little baby boy is a big ol' four year old who drives me bonkers somedays but most days makes me laugh. He wants to be a rock star, He is ALWAYS going somewhere and never sits still. I looked through all these photos I have of him and I smile. I think I did a pretty good job with him. :) Happy Birthday Boo I love you!
7 years ago today

7 years ago I set off on an "adventure" I had graduated High School was nearly 18 and still had not spent more than a few nights away from my parents and I had only been in a differnt state as them once. So desided it was time to go to Alaska and visit my sister. Sure not all adventure as far as finding a place to stay and what not but hey it was still cool. I remember the plane ride I kept looking out the window. Alaska was so Beautiful! and oh the fun I was goign to have! I have tons of photos of sceanry the glaciers, the waterfalls, the greenery It was so awesome. (keep in mind I am from the desert so all the greenery and what not was even that much more beautiful!) We went Deep sea fishing, I had only gone fishing once before and the fish that I was so proud of back then, well we used one the same size for BAIT! seriously! But that picture up there of me with all those halibut, yeah I caught those. *Grins* and then i had to learn how to filet them, lemme tell you I was SOOOO grossed out *Laughs* but I did it! AND I helped cook dinner that night to Lemon pepper halibut I think it was. sooo yummy.
As I look back to that point in my life I see how much things can change in JUST 7 years that is the amount of year that seperate my little brother and me, But Who I was then was a Kid who when ever someone mentioned kids my reply was "they are great especially when you can give them back when they are crying" My dad was in dispair because both his daughters wanted nothing to do with having kids, and now just a few years later, my older sister has married a man with two son so there is two grandkids for dad, my older brother (if you want to count him even though he only talks to our sister) Has 2 kids and me well count them 1,2,3 *grins* and I wouldn't change it for the world. I was fast becomeing a family joke if I hadn't gotten my tubes tied since apparently I could easily become one of those women who stay perpetually pregnat their whole lives *laughs*
Monday, July 28, 2008
my creativity

So I kept looking at the mountian of plastic bags i get from the store everytime i go and I wondered what could I do with them so I talk to my gramma and she says well why don't you make a door mat and told me how to do it. So yes my creative outlet at the moment is a door mat made of plastic bags check out my progress (i am still just working on the rope but I am impressed since that is just 2 hours of work)
Boo's Birthday
Boo wanted a Star cake and wanted to help me decorate it not to bad for a 4 year old helpin huh? I stink at writeing though I really need to get better at that if i want to get my cake bussiness off the ground.
LOOK It's a bubble machine! In the Back are my neice and nephew
my princess was so pretty in her party dress but she slobbered all over it so it was grossness to hold her *laughs*
Boo's birthday party was alright not nearly as fantastic as L's by any means because shockingly J's mom or either of his sisters came to it (not surprised j's mom treats boo like an intruder sometimes really pisses me off)my dad and Brother could not make it either but the brother is in Utah for a few more days and dad had 90 something people on "his mountian" so could not escape that is the price you pay for being a boy scout ranger and "living in paradise" But it was still fun, it was once again at BIL's house so the cousins were there and my mom and the step dad came along with my brothers girlfriend (who I totaly love and hope he marries in a few years) and the little sister mom forgot to give me. (instead i got 3 younger brothers and older sisters *laughs*) above are a few pics of the party.


Friday, July 25, 2008
a walk
So we went to the library today and here are a few pics of my weirdos getting ready to go. L figures he fits in the bottom of the stroller so he gets a free ride.
Boo loves Hats and prefers to wear more than one
at a time it cracks me up.
and the bottom picture is just boo walking through CSN's court yard on our way there it was too cute of a picture not to post.

at a time it cracks me up.

My Girl
So this morning J is heading out the door while I am still being in denial that it is indeed morning and time to get my lazy bum outta bed and I ask him to see if the Bug is still asleep. So he goes in to the living room and all I hear from his is "Hey you're CUTE!" *laughs* She is such a morning person she wakes up singing and being adorable. Well J brings me this little bundle of cuteness and plops her on my chest kisses my forehead and leaves (at least he changed her diaper YAY!) well any ways this sweet pea then proceeds to spend the next 10 minutes just exploreing my face with her hands and smiling at me and looking into my eyes and making me melt. I love having a daughter. I LOVE my boys to peices don't get me wrong but truthfully if she had been another boy I wouldn't have felt complete. Now I have this adorable baby girl who just KNOWS the world revolves around her, already at 6 months she loves havign her hair brushed, and when you tell her she is pretty she puts her head down like she is beign bashfull but at the same time she is smileing because she knows she is gorgeous. *laughs*I could go on and on but I won't because I have things that have to get done today.
Thursday, July 24, 2008

suicide. So here I am fliping through old photographs and a song pops in my head
"Every memory of looking out the front door, I found the photo of the friend I was looking for, It's hard to say it, it's time to say it, good bye, good bye."

and I want to cry because it hurts so bad that he is no longer here, and it hurts that in the two years he has been gone I still haven't cried and I can't, I try. I tell myself this is the one exception to the rule and that it is ok to cry just this once for a bit of closure but it never happens, and so here I sit looking at all these memories and I smile. The top picture was out side Mountian view in P-town before it burned to the ground we are sitting on my old hoopdie car tons of memories with that car *laughs* and the second one that was taken in p-town at the Harvest Festivle, I had just moved back to town and I had not told him I was coming back and when he saw me, he bolted across the fairground picked me up and swung me around so fast I felt like I was on one of the rides, but I knew I was home. and the last one, He was telling me how hot I was just playin' with me and I told him that he better not take a picture, at that he raise his camera and I raised my finger *laughs* there are so many more as well but those will work for now.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Somedays it is like I have twins and not in a cutesy way. Sure there is 23 months difference in them, L can't do somethings Boo can and Boo doesn't want to do somethings L does but in general if one is in trouble the other is as well since they both are attracted to trouble like bee's to a flower. Also do I seriously need two of every toy? What one wants the other naturaly wants as well for instance the inspriation of this post, Stich. Yep that adorable six armed alein is very popluar in this house, we have all the movies even a few episodes of the tv show, we have the sound tracks and we have the stuffed animals. Remarkably only 3 of the stuffed ones, one biggish one I got at DisneyLand (for free because while "stitch" was giving me his autograph he broke my pen and so he grabbed a stuffed version of him and gave it to me :) ) One that is kind of small and is sitting like a puppy and one that laughs hystericly. Well the boys are watch stitch has a glitch and whenever the movie is on out come the stuffies well L happened to grab the big one first and Boo did not like it at all and when I tried giving him the other two (that is how it works one gets the big one and the other gets two) he would hear nothing of it. So now he is pouting in his room over a stuffed animal and I find myself wondering, Do I need two identicle of everything, or even then would they fight over whose is whose even though they are the same thing *laughs*
It also has me wondering, with as close as those two are will one of them be close to the Bug as well? or will my Princess be excluded from their club becase A)she is a girl or B) because they have always had eachother? And as ever when I think these thoughts a note of fear is struck in me for when my kids are teenagers that will be twice the ammount of teenage boys in my house and what do 16 year old boys find interesting why 14 year old girls of course YIKES!
It also has me wondering, with as close as those two are will one of them be close to the Bug as well? or will my Princess be excluded from their club becase A)she is a girl or B) because they have always had eachother? And as ever when I think these thoughts a note of fear is struck in me for when my kids are teenagers that will be twice the ammount of teenage boys in my house and what do 16 year old boys find interesting why 14 year old girls of course YIKES!
six months
It is amazeing how things can change in just a matter of 6 months. Six months ago I had just became a mom of three and I was so overwhelmed, the Princess wanted to nurse it seemed 24/7, the boys weren't sure what to make of their new sister, and J was always at work. Now things have evened out a bit, My little bug would still eat 24/7 if i let her but she is formula fed now and starting solids, for the first time in over 4 years my body is just mine, no nurseing, no pregnancy nothing like that, it is a little odd truthfully. The boys *laughs* well Boo is as ever the Bugs protector he hover over her like a mother hen it is so cute he was like that with L as well. and L well he wants to rough house with her and she just isn't big enough yet, although she can roll across the room at lightining speed *laughs* J still works a lot but that is good because working alot means pay checks and paychecks are always nice *laughs*
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
These three pictures are first off my Sister in law when she was younger, my daughter, and my neice (my SIL's Daughter) do you see the common element? Yep the sassy look on their faces, it is too funny. I wish one of my kids looked like me but yeah I guess that didn't happen but ah wells at least we have pics like these to enjoy.
L's Hair cut

So Boo took it upon himself to cut L's hair, a task that I was going to do on my own in a little while. Just not as short. But while I was in the Bathroom Boo found a pair of scissors and cut the hair off of the top
of L's head (I should have taken a pic of that but I wasn't thinking straight)

So I cut the rest of it off. *Cries* J is going to be pissed but it will grow out and in a month or so I will take him to Wal-mart and get a cute cut instead of this tennis ball head look. My poor baby. The top pic is him a few days ago with his lushious locks. The side pic is him now and the bottom pic is all the hair I cut off. *Cries some more* I am so pissed at Boo right now though, I don't know how to handle this. He is in his room while L gets to watch tv and I guess that will be his punishment on top of the yelling I did earlier. He knows better than to play with scissors though! He learned that in school. grrrr.
Monday, July 21, 2008
wrestleing with daddy
L is a boy through and through and he LOVES to wrestle here he had just attacked an unsuspecting victim the DADDY! (as the daddy fixxes mommy's laptop) just look at that cheeser he is so proud of himself
The princess
My Boo
My Boo is hands down a genuine weirdo. But I love it This is the outfit he put together for himself. He reminds me of the kid off of Big Daddy with Adam Sandler *laughs* When I asked him who he was he goes "SUPER WHY!" he was upset because he didn't have any boots to go with the whole ensamble. He cracks me up!
Real life nightmares and and bedtime dreaming
Good morning,
I had a restless night last night. We watched the movie Stop loss at B's house while there for J's b-day and it made me sick. Not that it was gorey or anything like that, but anything involveing the war makes me ill because where B is home now we all know he is only home until he gets a clean bill of health on his knee and then we won't see him for 2 years... While watching the movie he was making comments on how the person who made the movie really did their homework because a lot of the movie was dead on about how it is over there. My sole comfort has been the fact that when B is over there he is mostly on the Highways and so wouldn't be in the cities and what not BUT a buddy of B's who is in his company and is over there right now said that one of their trucks was hit the other week. Thank God no one was injured beyond a few scrapes but yeah... So anyways all night on the way home and as I laid down to go to bed my stomach was in knots. Then I had a bizzar dream, bizzar in who was in it. It wasn't in the past or anything like that but the people who were in it were from my past. My Ex-husbands family were in it, and so was an ex boy-friend who is the only main feature from my past that I am not on at least "wave hi when you see them" terms. Odd dream we all acted like we were still best friends and there was no bad blood between any of us. *Shrugs*
I had a restless night last night. We watched the movie Stop loss at B's house while there for J's b-day and it made me sick. Not that it was gorey or anything like that, but anything involveing the war makes me ill because where B is home now we all know he is only home until he gets a clean bill of health on his knee and then we won't see him for 2 years... While watching the movie he was making comments on how the person who made the movie really did their homework because a lot of the movie was dead on about how it is over there. My sole comfort has been the fact that when B is over there he is mostly on the Highways and so wouldn't be in the cities and what not BUT a buddy of B's who is in his company and is over there right now said that one of their trucks was hit the other week. Thank God no one was injured beyond a few scrapes but yeah... So anyways all night on the way home and as I laid down to go to bed my stomach was in knots. Then I had a bizzar dream, bizzar in who was in it. It wasn't in the past or anything like that but the people who were in it were from my past. My Ex-husbands family were in it, and so was an ex boy-friend who is the only main feature from my past that I am not on at least "wave hi when you see them" terms. Odd dream we all acted like we were still best friends and there was no bad blood between any of us. *Shrugs*
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Cloudy days
I used to detest cloudy days because it meant I would be cooped up in my house unable to go outside and play. Obviously that was when I was a kid. When I got older I still hated them but I think that is because I grew up with my mom saying how cloudy days make her blue and it sort of rubbed off on me. Now that I am an adult living "on my own" with my family I find I acctually like cloudy days. I could totaly go with out the humidity though, humidity and the desert just don't mix, but I degress. I still fear thunder but I don't like loud noises in general (no not even fireworks, i dread 4th of july and new years) but in general I like the cloudyness, I would open my windows BUT my apartments are too cheap for screens on my windows so yeah *laughs* but clouds are pretty. I do kind of wish it wasn't cloudy today though since we are supposed to have a BBQ party for J's birthday but ah well I suppose
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I don't really have a bunch to say today, it has been a semi lazy day at this madhouse, J and I cleaned our room while in serch for our copy of Windows XP Pro so we could blast my poor decreped laptop, but other than that I did pretty much nothing the kids I kept seperate all day so no fights there, the princess who has now mastered the art of getting from point a to point b by rolling was content to play in her play yard so I sat down and read, nothing meaningful like the text books I have borrowed from the library but just an old friend, The Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings I have read this book so many times that if I would acctually just buy it, I'd have to buy it in Hard cover because the paper back would get worn out. No matter how many times I read it, it is like comming home you know? It is like that one pair of jeans we have all had in our lives, that perfect fit and so comfortable. *Laughs* I guess only a book worm like me can relate to that feeling, for my mom it is the dragonrider books by Anne McCaffery, for my dad it is his Tom Clancy novels, even my brother (who until Harry Potter book four came out I was questionign the fact on if he acctually could read *Laughs*) Has his favorites he loves the Eargon series. All those books are fine and dandy worlds to visit, (well not so much Tom Clancy but yeah) but to me the world that David Eddings creates in these books is home for me. Although I still can't determine where in the world I belong. *Laughs* probaly Arendia knowing me, read the books and you'll see why.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Thanks to Jessie for sending me this in my email it had me laughing through the entire thing because I think I have gotten at least one of all the emails mentioned it in at one point or another either in my inbox or as a bulletin on myspace. I figured I would just post it here since anyone I would foreward it to faithfully reads this blog anyways *laughs*
"I just want to thank you for your educational emails over the past year.
Thanks to you, I no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel.
I can't use the remote in a hotel room because I don't know what the last person was doing while flipping through the adult movie channels.
I can't sit down on the hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.
I can't enjoy lemon slices in my tea or on my seafood anymore because lemon peels have been found to contain all kinds of nasty germs including feces.
I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving because the number one pass-time while driving alone is picking your nose (although cell phone usage may be taking the number one spot)
Eating a Little Debbie sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I can't touch any woman's purse for fear she has placed it on the floor of a public bathroom. Yuck!
I must send my special thanks to whoever sent me the one about poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258thtime.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program.
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.
I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an email to seven of my friends and make a wish within fiveminutes.
Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas..
I no longer flash my lights at oncoming cars to let them know of danger because I am worried they are horrible gang members looking for an easy target.
I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put 'Under God' on their cans.
I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.
And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face...disfiguring me forlife.
I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from UPS or FedEx since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't support our American troops or the Salvation Army.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan.
I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.
Thanks to you, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't ever pick up $5.00 dropped in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from certain gas companies!
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump.
I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician...
Have a wonderful day... Oh, by the way.....
A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read theire-mail with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late. "
"I just want to thank you for your educational emails over the past year.
Thanks to you, I no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel.
I can't use the remote in a hotel room because I don't know what the last person was doing while flipping through the adult movie channels.
I can't sit down on the hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.
I can't enjoy lemon slices in my tea or on my seafood anymore because lemon peels have been found to contain all kinds of nasty germs including feces.
I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving because the number one pass-time while driving alone is picking your nose (although cell phone usage may be taking the number one spot)
Eating a Little Debbie sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I can't touch any woman's purse for fear she has placed it on the floor of a public bathroom. Yuck!
I must send my special thanks to whoever sent me the one about poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258thtime.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program.
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St. Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.
I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an email to seven of my friends and make a wish within fiveminutes.
Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas..
I no longer flash my lights at oncoming cars to let them know of danger because I am worried they are horrible gang members looking for an easy target.
I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put 'Under God' on their cans.
I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.
And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face...disfiguring me forlife.
I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from UPS or FedEx since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't support our American troops or the Salvation Army.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda, Singapore and Uzbekistan.
I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman Marcus since I now have their recipe.
Thanks to you, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't ever pick up $5.00 dropped in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a sex molester waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
I can no longer drive my car because I can't buy gas from certain gas companies!
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump.
I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician...
Have a wonderful day... Oh, by the way.....
A German scientist from Argentina, after a lengthy study, has discovered that people with insufficient brain activity read theire-mail with their hand on the mouse.
Don't bother taking it off now, it's too late. "

I love being a mom
So I have been exchangeing emails with my ex-husbands wife about her recent pregnancy (weird much??), this is her first pregnancy, and she has all sorts of questions about what to expect and the hormonal roller coaster and some where along the line I told her,
it is all worth it every ounce of pain, frustration, and horomones when you first meet your child, there is nothing greater, well except, when they first smile, or laugh, or say "I love you mommy" *melts* there is no greater joy in the world than being a mommy.
It is funny when I think about how dismayed I was when I first got pregnant with Boo I did not want to be a mom at all but 9 months later I was holding this perfect little boy and everything was right with the world. Now he runs up to me and hugs me and says "I wuv you mommy" and I just melt. L has gotten into giving random kisses which is so sweet, and even the princess at 6 months (is she really six months already?) makes smacking sound with her lips like she is giving kisses. I love being a mom
it is all worth it every ounce of pain, frustration, and horomones when you first meet your child, there is nothing greater, well except, when they first smile, or laugh, or say "I love you mommy" *melts* there is no greater joy in the world than being a mommy.
It is funny when I think about how dismayed I was when I first got pregnant with Boo I did not want to be a mom at all but 9 months later I was holding this perfect little boy and everything was right with the world. Now he runs up to me and hugs me and says "I wuv you mommy" and I just melt. L has gotten into giving random kisses which is so sweet, and even the princess at 6 months (is she really six months already?) makes smacking sound with her lips like she is giving kisses. I love being a mom
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"You're the missing peice I need, the reason that I'm singing, I've got to find you"
That song from Camp Rock is STUCK in my head. I recorded Camp Rock a few weeks ago because I love Disney movies and this one looked good. (and it is good) But Boo found the tape (Yes I still use VHS to record stuff this is not a high tech house *laughs) and now we listen to Camp rock at least once a day. I think that tape is going to meet up with Shrek, Lilo and Stich, Charolette's Web, and Cars in my closet away from the Boo. I love all those movies but in order for me to remain liking them away to the closet they must go and be brought out one at a time maybe once a month.
So anyways now that I got that out time for "Refelections with Shelly"
I watch my kids playing and I can't help but smile, (yes even when the boys are fighting) I am truely Blessed to have gotten choosen to be their mom, there is no sweeter sound than the boys laughing while they play, except prehaps my baby girl cooing and just being stinkin' cute. I get frustrated being a mom at times but it is worth it. Where J is a great husband, provider, and father, I get flustered because where we live in the great "2000's" change our clothes and take away my best friend (my computer) and we could pass for a couple from the 1950's which is fine but odd I guess. There are things that it is just "the mom's job" Putting kids to bed, batheing kids, feeding kids. Then there are things that are "the dad's job" Taking out the trash, being the enforcer when kids are not listening or backtalking me (yes boo back talks now sooo much fun) stuff like that and where day to day it works dandy but sometimes I just want to go to the gym but I can't do that until the kids have been, fed, bathed, dressed, and put in bed. After all that, hugs kisses and two stories I am so wiped out that I don't want to go to the gym and that is one reason I have lost a whopping 10 lbs since January *Le sigh*
well this blog I am realizeing has turned from refections with Shelly to Shelly rambeling if you made it to the end congrats.
That song from Camp Rock is STUCK in my head. I recorded Camp Rock a few weeks ago because I love Disney movies and this one looked good. (and it is good) But Boo found the tape (Yes I still use VHS to record stuff this is not a high tech house *laughs) and now we listen to Camp rock at least once a day. I think that tape is going to meet up with Shrek, Lilo and Stich, Charolette's Web, and Cars in my closet away from the Boo. I love all those movies but in order for me to remain liking them away to the closet they must go and be brought out one at a time maybe once a month.
So anyways now that I got that out time for "Refelections with Shelly"
I watch my kids playing and I can't help but smile, (yes even when the boys are fighting) I am truely Blessed to have gotten choosen to be their mom, there is no sweeter sound than the boys laughing while they play, except prehaps my baby girl cooing and just being stinkin' cute. I get frustrated being a mom at times but it is worth it. Where J is a great husband, provider, and father, I get flustered because where we live in the great "2000's" change our clothes and take away my best friend (my computer) and we could pass for a couple from the 1950's which is fine but odd I guess. There are things that it is just "the mom's job" Putting kids to bed, batheing kids, feeding kids. Then there are things that are "the dad's job" Taking out the trash, being the enforcer when kids are not listening or backtalking me (yes boo back talks now sooo much fun) stuff like that and where day to day it works dandy but sometimes I just want to go to the gym but I can't do that until the kids have been, fed, bathed, dressed, and put in bed. After all that, hugs kisses and two stories I am so wiped out that I don't want to go to the gym and that is one reason I have lost a whopping 10 lbs since January *Le sigh*
well this blog I am realizeing has turned from refections with Shelly to Shelly rambeling if you made it to the end congrats.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
The Princess and the Monsters
Doesn't that sound like the title of a book? Really it is just my kids. L my darling little boy has learned how to make the princess cry, and Boo being the over protective brother of his sister proceeds to Whack L for makeing the princess cry and L turns and whacks Boo back so I have 3 screaming kids... Yay... this is an everyday occurance I say I wish it weren't but I know if my kids are nice to eachother for a whole day it means at least 2 of them are sick.
So I took my herd down to the laundry mat yesterday because if I didn't then J would be working in the nude today and I don't think his co workers would appreciate it very much. Anyways so here I am in the laundry mat with my monsters (and the princess of course) the boys are being themselves and therefore are running around like crazed children while I pretend I don't know these children (J/K) and I am stuffing a 6 load washer with all the kids clothes that have piled up since last time I did laundry, and an older woman walks over to me and asks what my rates are. At this point I am confused, I don't do other peoples laundry, I am dressed in worn out jeans and a over sized t-shirt and my hair is pulled into a messy bun so there is no way i can be confused with a "working woman" *laughs* so I just manage to say "Huh? are you talking me." she smiles and begins to tell me how she just go custody of her daughters kid and saw that I had kids with me and assumed that I ran a day care. WTF??? Ok so none of my kids look like me but seriously you can tell L and H are brother and sister! but whatever I politely tell her that I do no run a day care that all three are mine. She then looks at them as if counting in her head their ages so I tell her not so nicely this time, "Yes that is three kids 4 and under." She then smiles and says "I am so sorry hunny I just thought that with times being as they are more people would be useing birth control and not over populateing the city any more than it is." She then gathers her laundry and leaves while I am sputtering in shock. WTF Why do I attract all the nutso people in this city? Times are Hard for us esp with J being in the entertainment indrustry and more and more shows closeing but damn 3 kids is NOT a lot of kids esp considering j and i are both middle children of families of 7 kids, and J's Brothers each have 4 kids and one of his sisters has 5. We accutualy got told when I got my tubes tied that we would regret not haveing more. Grr that woman had me fumed up......
So I took my herd down to the laundry mat yesterday because if I didn't then J would be working in the nude today and I don't think his co workers would appreciate it very much. Anyways so here I am in the laundry mat with my monsters (and the princess of course) the boys are being themselves and therefore are running around like crazed children while I pretend I don't know these children (J/K) and I am stuffing a 6 load washer with all the kids clothes that have piled up since last time I did laundry, and an older woman walks over to me and asks what my rates are. At this point I am confused, I don't do other peoples laundry, I am dressed in worn out jeans and a over sized t-shirt and my hair is pulled into a messy bun so there is no way i can be confused with a "working woman" *laughs* so I just manage to say "Huh? are you talking me." she smiles and begins to tell me how she just go custody of her daughters kid and saw that I had kids with me and assumed that I ran a day care. WTF??? Ok so none of my kids look like me but seriously you can tell L and H are brother and sister! but whatever I politely tell her that I do no run a day care that all three are mine. She then looks at them as if counting in her head their ages so I tell her not so nicely this time, "Yes that is three kids 4 and under." She then smiles and says "I am so sorry hunny I just thought that with times being as they are more people would be useing birth control and not over populateing the city any more than it is." She then gathers her laundry and leaves while I am sputtering in shock. WTF Why do I attract all the nutso people in this city? Times are Hard for us esp with J being in the entertainment indrustry and more and more shows closeing but damn 3 kids is NOT a lot of kids esp considering j and i are both middle children of families of 7 kids, and J's Brothers each have 4 kids and one of his sisters has 5. We accutualy got told when I got my tubes tied that we would regret not haveing more. Grr that woman had me fumed up......
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Another day in paradise
Just another day in paradise at the Harris household.
J had to go to work early today early being 7:00 for a change the kids were all still asleep and I was looking foreward to lazing in bed until they desided to wake up since it was cloudly I expected to stay in bed till 8:00 HEAVEN, but yeah I am not that lucky, J gets up and makes just enough noise to wake up the princess. Ok no prob bob give her a bottle all is dandy, But am I that lucky? Nope, not a chance. The crying wakes up my lil monster and he wakes up Boo so by 7:15 when J is already out of the house I have 3 screaming littles "le sigh" and not a one of them have any inclination of quieting down, so much for staying in bed. So here I am at 9:15 finally sitting down for some much needed mommy time.
Today I am going to write about the recent movies we have rented, gone to see, or bought.
Untraceable, a very twisted movie about a killer who puts his victims hooked up to whatever means of torture on the internet and the more people log on the quicker the victim dies. Very weird a bit grusome but overall a good movie but scary because it is highly possible to do that.
Wall-E SO CUTE I love all pixar movies but this one is nearly my favorite, (I still love monster inc the most.) a robot (and his pet cockroach which is acctualy kindda cute...) are the only ones left on earth after 700 years well anyways I am sure you have seen the previews but I give it 2 thumbs up!
The happening Yeah all i can say is Mark Wallberg is still hot as ever but this movie was gross. I don't like gorey movies and this one had a lot of gore. I have to admit it was a good movie just not up my alley really but Mark Wallberg made it worth it *laughs*
John Hancock Yeah I love Will Smith movies (I am legand excluded on the whole Zombie like being *Shudders*) and this one was excelent I truely enjoyed this one and recomend it to everyone, I knew there was a twist in it but I SO did not see that comming!
There will be blood, WTF? this movie did not make sence and it had some weird sound tracks that did not mesh with the movie at all, I am not being hyper criticle either it was just bad...
Strange wilderness, if you like not stop cussing, and inane stupidity you will love this movie. I seriously think my brain cells went on vacation while watching this movie but it was stupidly amuseing at least
well ladies and gents that is all for now *S* I am off to the wonderful land of photoshop tutorials
J had to go to work early today early being 7:00 for a change the kids were all still asleep and I was looking foreward to lazing in bed until they desided to wake up since it was cloudly I expected to stay in bed till 8:00 HEAVEN, but yeah I am not that lucky, J gets up and makes just enough noise to wake up the princess. Ok no prob bob give her a bottle all is dandy, But am I that lucky? Nope, not a chance. The crying wakes up my lil monster and he wakes up Boo so by 7:15 when J is already out of the house I have 3 screaming littles "le sigh" and not a one of them have any inclination of quieting down, so much for staying in bed. So here I am at 9:15 finally sitting down for some much needed mommy time.
Today I am going to write about the recent movies we have rented, gone to see, or bought.
Untraceable, a very twisted movie about a killer who puts his victims hooked up to whatever means of torture on the internet and the more people log on the quicker the victim dies. Very weird a bit grusome but overall a good movie but scary because it is highly possible to do that.
Wall-E SO CUTE I love all pixar movies but this one is nearly my favorite, (I still love monster inc the most.) a robot (and his pet cockroach which is acctualy kindda cute...) are the only ones left on earth after 700 years well anyways I am sure you have seen the previews but I give it 2 thumbs up!
The happening Yeah all i can say is Mark Wallberg is still hot as ever but this movie was gross. I don't like gorey movies and this one had a lot of gore. I have to admit it was a good movie just not up my alley really but Mark Wallberg made it worth it *laughs*
John Hancock Yeah I love Will Smith movies (I am legand excluded on the whole Zombie like being *Shudders*) and this one was excelent I truely enjoyed this one and recomend it to everyone, I knew there was a twist in it but I SO did not see that comming!
There will be blood, WTF? this movie did not make sence and it had some weird sound tracks that did not mesh with the movie at all, I am not being hyper criticle either it was just bad...
Strange wilderness, if you like not stop cussing, and inane stupidity you will love this movie. I seriously think my brain cells went on vacation while watching this movie but it was stupidly amuseing at least
well ladies and gents that is all for now *S* I am off to the wonderful land of photoshop tutorials
Monday, July 14, 2008
day one of blogging here
I was thinking today about how blogging has become a word that most everyone knows. Yet 10 years ago if someone had asked me, "Shelly have you read so and so's blog" I would have been like, "their what??" *laughs* ok that is my random thought of the day.
So here is my posting of the day a little bit about my family.
I am a mommy of three kids. My oldest will be four in a couple of weeks my Boo., He is a funny guy who loves music especialy making it, he is always singing, humming, or playing some intrument real or imaginary he is my ROCKSTAR! He was a little slow on talking and is still behind on that if you go by everyone else, But he is smart! His memory is amazing if I tell him he can do something tomorrow I better go through with it or it will crush him! He is not perfect though he whines a lot over stupid things we are trying to break him of that but so far no luck, may-be that is just his personality, A whiney rockstar?
My middle child we will call him "L" or monster since he does answer to that anyways! He just turned two and is a pistol! He is also very funny, but where boo loves to make music L loves to dance he is so cute, and he knows it. He loves hugs and kisses and to be held. He is more than a little bit spoiled but then all my kids are. Where Boo is a whiney kid L crys over everything. My kids are the only ones who whine or cry when we tell them to go play. Seriously. I love them though.
Now for my youngest the only girl and therefore, The Princess. She is a princess through and through even at only five months, she loves having her hair brushed and attention. According to her the universe revolves around her. She is going to be a knock out when she grows up and I am not just saying that because I am her mommy. My husband J is even now bracing himself for the boys that will be chasing her when she is older. She loves to smile and laugh oh and of course be told how pretty she is. Don'[t get me wrong though she does have her bad side, Because she is the Princess if she is not getting attention and she wants it she will scream and scream loud, I am sure that is going to be fun in a few years.
Now that I have listed my kids how about the hubby. I met J about 11 or 12 years ago back in High school. We dated my Junior and Senior year but broke up and stopped talking right around graduation. I married someone else, divorced that someone, Had Boo and went on classmates and saw J had registered I sent him a message appologizing for all the crap I did to him and HE WROTE BACK! I could not believe it. We met for lunch and became friends again then about 3 months after that email we began dateing 4 months later I was pregnant and we got married. We have been married for 2 and half years now, We have our ups and downs just like everyone else but I know that we can make it, not just because we are crazy about eachother, but because we drive each other crazy. I know that doesn't really make sense but it does to me and that is all that really matters.
Well readers my princess is fuss-butting in the other room demanding that I feed her so for now that is all.
So here is my posting of the day a little bit about my family.
I am a mommy of three kids. My oldest will be four in a couple of weeks my Boo., He is a funny guy who loves music especialy making it, he is always singing, humming, or playing some intrument real or imaginary he is my ROCKSTAR! He was a little slow on talking and is still behind on that if you go by everyone else, But he is smart! His memory is amazing if I tell him he can do something tomorrow I better go through with it or it will crush him! He is not perfect though he whines a lot over stupid things we are trying to break him of that but so far no luck, may-be that is just his personality, A whiney rockstar?
My middle child we will call him "L" or monster since he does answer to that anyways! He just turned two and is a pistol! He is also very funny, but where boo loves to make music L loves to dance he is so cute, and he knows it. He loves hugs and kisses and to be held. He is more than a little bit spoiled but then all my kids are. Where Boo is a whiney kid L crys over everything. My kids are the only ones who whine or cry when we tell them to go play. Seriously. I love them though.
Now for my youngest the only girl and therefore, The Princess. She is a princess through and through even at only five months, she loves having her hair brushed and attention. According to her the universe revolves around her. She is going to be a knock out when she grows up and I am not just saying that because I am her mommy. My husband J is even now bracing himself for the boys that will be chasing her when she is older. She loves to smile and laugh oh and of course be told how pretty she is. Don'[t get me wrong though she does have her bad side, Because she is the Princess if she is not getting attention and she wants it she will scream and scream loud, I am sure that is going to be fun in a few years.
Now that I have listed my kids how about the hubby. I met J about 11 or 12 years ago back in High school. We dated my Junior and Senior year but broke up and stopped talking right around graduation. I married someone else, divorced that someone, Had Boo and went on classmates and saw J had registered I sent him a message appologizing for all the crap I did to him and HE WROTE BACK! I could not believe it. We met for lunch and became friends again then about 3 months after that email we began dateing 4 months later I was pregnant and we got married. We have been married for 2 and half years now, We have our ups and downs just like everyone else but I know that we can make it, not just because we are crazy about eachother, but because we drive each other crazy. I know that doesn't really make sense but it does to me and that is all that really matters.
Well readers my princess is fuss-butting in the other room demanding that I feed her so for now that is all.
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