I seem to have an obscean amount of Mini's tubes 70 to be exact my boys "Inherited" them meaning my brother gave them his child hood toy box complete with all the toys he had in there. He used to stack these tubes and throw balls at them. He thought it was hilarious, while I found it quite annoying simply because my room was on the other side of the wall that he was throwing the balls at *laughs* anyways the reason for this post. BESIDES just throwing them away. Do any of you "crafty" people who read this blog have any idea what I can do with any/all of these things????
no clue
(i'm SO not crafty!)
Shelly ... I have a stack of them too ... and I keep thinking there has got to be something great to make out of them ...
I fill them up with change for Skye to put in the bank ...
But now that she knows M&Ms are in them I can't use them for asprin for my purse or anything ...
I'll come up with something ... we'll make a duel cool project ...
OK Shelly I now have a post on my blog dedicted to this ... I think it is now time for me to google the subject ...
we use them as travel pill bottles...
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