So Boo took it upon himself to cut L's hair, a task that I was going to do on my own in a little while. Just not as short. But while I was in the Bathroom Boo found a pair of scissors and cut the hair off of the top
of L's head (I should have taken a pic of that but I wasn't thinking straight)

So I cut the rest of it off. *Cries* J is going to be pissed but it will grow out and in a month or so I will take him to Wal-mart and get a cute cut instead of this tennis ball head look. My poor baby. The top pic is him a few days ago with his lushious locks. The side pic is him now and the bottom pic is all the hair I cut off. *Cries some more* I am so pissed at Boo right now though, I don't know how to handle this. He is in his room while L gets to watch tv and I guess that will be his punishment on top of the yelling I did earlier. He knows better than to play with scissors though! He learned that in school. grrrr.
1 comment:
If it makes you feel any better my niece did this to my other niece. So ther was a poor little girl running around with no hair. Then to top it off the cutter made fun of the cuttee for being bald.Your little one is still adorable, but I total understand your tears. Good luck and don't forget a hat in the sun!The baby is going to be flammable now! LOL
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