Friday, July 25, 2008

My Girl

So this morning J is heading out the door while I am still being in denial that it is indeed morning and time to get my lazy bum outta bed and I ask him to see if the Bug is still asleep. So he goes in to the living room and all I hear from his is "Hey you're CUTE!" *laughs* She is such a morning person she wakes up singing and being adorable. Well J brings me this little bundle of cuteness and plops her on my chest kisses my forehead and leaves (at least he changed her diaper YAY!) well any ways this sweet pea then proceeds to spend the next 10 minutes just exploreing my face with her hands and smiling at me and looking into my eyes and making me melt. I love having a daughter. I LOVE my boys to peices don't get me wrong but truthfully if she had been another boy I wouldn't have felt complete. Now I have this adorable baby girl who just KNOWS the world revolves around her, already at 6 months she loves havign her hair brushed, and when you tell her she is pretty she puts her head down like she is beign bashfull but at the same time she is smileing because she knows she is gorgeous. *laughs*I could go on and on but I won't because I have things that have to get done today.
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